What is SecondWorld?
SecondWorld is an online massive multiplayer simulation game platform developed using Unreal Engine 5, blockchain and neural network technologies. Game can be played from different views like first player view, 3d player view and from bird view
SecondWorld doesn’t have any goal or end points, main goal is to create cyber world which is alternate to a live world with some simplifications, arcade and immortality. 
SecondWorld will grant users real freedom, where majority can create their own communities, rules, games, activities. Each commune can settle into their own cities enact rules, economic policies, religion and much more. 
User avatar creation via photo uploading
SecondWorld will provide tools for users for creating unique NFT assets
Economic mechanics and NFT assets ownership
At SecondWorld you can effect economy and earn real money
Economic simulation
Buy nft land and economic NFT building any start earning, but choose wisely - too much competition will reduce your income
DAO of each city
Your vote can effect politics at region, city and even whole game
Politic mechanics
You can always check out fair elections holding
Mechanics of movement on different surfaces, water, air and space of different objects — Boats, Aircrafts, Space Ships
RPG mechanics
SecondWorld offers RPG mechanics in every aspect of the games built inside
Quest and event system
Complete Quests and earn NFT’s and SWT
  • Different sports mechanics
  • Racing mechanics
  • Shooting mechanics

Online theater and films With SecondWorld you won’t have to go to Cinema - everything can be watched online

Gambling mechanics Don’t have time to go to Casino? SecondWorld has it!

Ecommerce View any products in 3D and buy it at SecondWorld

Cryptocurrency exchange mechanics Second World provides easiest cryptocurrency conversion

Delivery mechanics SecondWorld provides delivery possibilities

SW-D 0122
Meet Second World assistant - he will help you while you making your journey at SecondWorld!
Personal Assistant
Users can buy AI characters which will help with online and offline tasks such as accountants, secretaries, reminders, traders and much more. Which will also be taught by neural network
AI which takes simulation when users are offline
Users with premium citizenship will be connected to neural network. Based on the users activities, user’s avatar will act when user offline, other users can chat with them, see how avatar behaves, participate in activities and much more
AI characters and animals
Animals at SecondWorld connected to neural network and will act as in real life - will simulate their migration during weather changes, human acts, their population will be also effected. 
Online conferences and instruments
Set up online conference which all necessary instruments like boards, presentations etc
Voice commands and IN-game translator
SecondWorld can be accessed from almost all devices at any time!
Supporting platforms: Steam Deck, Windows, iMac, PlayStation, XBOX, VR headsets, iOS, Android